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December 27, 2023

Steps to Creating a Healthier Home in the New Year

With the creation of New Year resolutions in full swing, many of us are preparing ways to create a healthier and happier lifestyle as we take on 2024. A healthy lifestyle is much more than just your fitness and diet, and there are many little things to consider to improve your health in all areas of your life. Below we discuss some steps you can take to enhance your health in your home and create a healthier living space overall.  

Purify Your Air

Decreasing the amount of indoor air pollution can make a big difference in how you feel, especially when it comes to sleep. This is as easy as purchasing an air purifier, which is available at most department stores and easily accessible online as well. Another key tip is to regularly change your furnace filters, keeping your air free from pollution. 

Adopt Some Green Friends

Plants are not only aesthetically pleasing but also boost your health and well-being. Purify your air yet again with snake plants, aloe vera, and peace lilies, as they release clean oxygen into the air. Many studies also say that caring for plants in your home can improve your well-being and reduce stress, helping with mental health overall. Lastly, taking care of your green friends allows you to grow a love for the environment and become more sustainably aware. 

Make a Shoes-Off Policy

Keep your shoes at the door! A simple practive to become more aware of in 2024. No need to track outdoor pollutants and germs throughout the house. This easy step can make a large difference in the overall living environment of your home. 

Regularly Deep Clean Carpets

Something most of us are guilty of is the lack of deep cleaning in our homes, and we forget that cleaning isn’t only for the aesthetic appeal, but also serves as a health measure in our homes. Carpets specifically can trap airborne particles that vacuums aren’t necessarily able to pick up. If you haven’t cleaned your carpets in 2023, make 2024 the year to do so. It is recommended that you professionally clean your carpets once every 1-1.5 years. 

Filter Your Water

Water filtration has had an increase in popularity for homes over the last few years, and it only continues to grow. Removing contaminants from your water makes drinking water safer and simply better tasting, however, there are other health benefits as well. A growing trend sparked in 2023 and continuing into 2024 would be filtered shower heads. Filtered shower heads allow for a boost in hair and skin health and are a highly recommended step to take in the home this year. 

Room to Exercise, Destress & Create

Finding space in your home dedicated to exercise, stretching, meditation and other hobbies can make a significant difference in your health journey. This can be as small as finding space to lay a yoga mat, but having that space can serve as a daily reminder to take time to focus on your physical or mental health. When you work to improve your physical health, it doubles up as a natural stress reliever, helping improve your mental health as well. Take the time to destress every day in this space in 2024. 

Establish a Tech-Free Zone

A more challenging step for a healthier lifestyle would be to keep your phones out of your bedroom at night. Not spending time staring at your phone in bed can help improve your sleep quality and develop a more beneficial routine before you rest. Yes, this means you may have to purchase a new alarm clock for 2024 as well. 

Remember, living a fit, healthy lifestyle is more than the big gestures – it’s also about the little steps you can take daily. Pick a few from this list and start 2024 off on the right foot!



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Steps to Creating a Healthier Home in the New Year

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