Sooner or Later, You'll Call Jim Slater

May 23, 2017

Smile Network International

For every home that is purchased through Lakeshore Plus, we donate $500 to the Smile Network International. This organization is a humanitarian group that provides life-changing reconstructive surgeries and related healthcare to impoverished children and adults in developing nations. Specifically, this organization focuses on helping children born with a cleft palate, cleft lip, and other birth defects.

These surgeries are free of charge to the families, and are available to those who would otherwise go untreated and unable to access healthcare. For as little as $500 per surgery, a child who would live in pain, will be given the blessing of a happier and healthier life.


The mission of Smile Network International is straightforward, but inspirational:
Change the world. Change a future. Change a life.


Here is a video that outlines our dedication to help make the lives of others much better.


You can even help support this mission by donating online or by mail to:
Smile Network International
108 W. 14th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Please make all checks payable to:
Smile Network

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