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June 15, 2015

Nuisance plants and wildlife

Nuisance plants and wildlife

Whether it’s bird droppings on the dock or invasive species in the water, neither make for a very pleasant lakeshore experience.

These invasive species have found their way into Minnesota lake waters, such as The Eurasion watermilfoil is an aggressive invasive aquatic plant. It can form “mats” on the water surface which interfere with boating, fishing, and swimming.  It was first discovered in 1988, zebra mussel infestations have grown at alarming rates. They attach themselves to anything in the water and can create all kinds of  problems. Clogged water intakes which interfere with lawn sprinklers, failed cooling systems on boats. Swimmers with cut feet from mussels attached to dock ladders. Imbalance of natural ecosystem and eventual depletion of natural plants and fish.

A new law now requires anyone who transports watercraft with a trailer to complete an online educational course, aimed to increase awareness and curtail further infestations.

Make sure you’re doing your part in decreasing the nuisance plants and wildlife in Prior Lake!

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Nuisance plants and wildlife

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