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September 18, 2024

How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom

The best place to start with Feng Shui is in the bedroom. Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy that aims to create balance in your home, and life overall, through design and particular arrangement of objects, allowing for improvement in your overall well being. It is a design technique that creates peaceful and balanced energy throughout each space.

In the bedroom, there are a few main main components to Feng Shui along with a list of detailed rules, depending on how in depth you plan/are able to be with this technique. First, the best direction for your bed to face is South, however,  the “command position” is considered a position where you can see the bedroom door, but are not directly inline. Less-is-more is the best starting mindset for Feng Shui, they preach that all you need is a comfortable bed with a few linens, a rug, and a headboard. Eliminate everything else that you are able, most importantly all of the clutter and extra objects. It is most important to avoid positioning your bed in the “coffin” position, where your feet are directly inline with the bedroom door.

Here are 16 overall tips/rules for Feng Shui in your bedroom:

  • Place your bed in the commanding position
  • Don’t skip the headboard – it represents stability in your life. 
  • Don’t shove it under the bed, keep underneath your bed clear of clutter – this disrupts the qi which is “life force energy”. 
  • No more electronics! – Electronics allow for the biggest disruption in energy with their electric/magnetic fields which can disrupt your overall sleep and immune system.
  • Be symmetrical with your layout – allows for balanced energy, specifically on each side of the bed
  • Use neutral colors promoting relaxation
  • Have your artwork pair with your lifestyle – if you’re married and happily in love, choose art that depicts love and romance. 
  • No books, besides the ONE you are reading – books and bookshelves give off active energy disrupting one’s sleep.
  • No exercise equipment! 
  • Keep your desk and bed apart to avoid temptation both ways. 
  • The bigger the bed the better – but not one that requires a split box, that disrupts harmony.
  • One or two plants for just enough energy!
  • Neutral colors of linens or a color you are looking to replicate in your life. 
  • Fresh flowers – but keep them fresh. 
  • Keep the bedroom clean at all times possible – diffuse some oil to uplift the senses and energy overall. 
  • Mirrors! But placed correctly – not inline with your bed. Place to reflect pretty things, like the nature outside. 

Feng Shui DONT’S 

  • Bed should not face a mirror
  • Don’t place a headboard against a wall shared with a toilet on the other side, and avoid placing your bed inline with the bathroom door
  • Do not add any water elements or art depicting water in the bedroom
  • Don’t have the side of your bed against the wall
  • No chandeliers above the bed


The Spruce

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How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom

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