Sooner or Later, You'll Call Jim Slater

July 3, 2017

5 Things to Ensure a Safe 4th of July on the Water


  1. Slow Down and Be Courteous


Lakes around Minnesota are going to be extra busy in honor of the Holiday, so be cautious and aware of your surroundings. Be on the constant look out for swimmers while driving.


  1. Be Prepared


Make sure you have all of the necessary safety equipment in preparation for any potential emergency situation. For example, always make sure there are enough life jackets for every person on the boat and have a fire extinguisher and first aid kit stored in the boat.


  1. Be Responsible


Ensure that everyone in your boat is hydrating with water, food and sunscreen   throughout the day. Also make sure to designate a sober boat operator prior to the day of boating.


  1. Be Educated


Be educated and aware of the specific rules and regulations of the body of water that you are operating a boat on. Each body of water in Minnesota has unique rules and it is extremely important to know them in order to operate safely and avoid any potential fines.


  1. Firework Safety


When watching the firework displays from the water, it is imperative for the boating operator and passengers to ensure that the safety lights are working and turned on when the sun goes down.


Lakeshore Plus wishes you a happy and safe Fourth of July!

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5 Things to Ensure a Safe 4th of July on the Water

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